LA GOT Aloha • 10/5/12 • Roster
Now that everyone has had the weekend to come to grips with the fact that Eligh of Living Legends will be headlining LA Got Aloha’s 1 Year Anniversary, its time to announce the rest of these lyrical wizards. But before we do so, let us give you the landscape of the event and lay down some ground rules. This is a Hawaii themed event that puts you right on the beach and fill your cup up with some top-shelf hip hop performances, live art, and DJ sets. Ok lets get started! Rule #1: Everyone is getting lei’d at this event, like it or not (but who doesn’t enjoy getting lei’d?). Rule #2: Please arrive rage-ready! There will be action going on from the second the doors open, so bring your game face! (but prepare for it to get melted.) Rule #3: No Kooks! This is where everybody comes together to share the aloha spirit, and be witness to various forms of art at its finest without having to worry about all the unnecessary drama; no stress! Here are the artists listed under the stage they will be performing on: • Front Stage» Front Stage speaks for itself; you are in front of it all, and the center of attention! This is where we bring you the emcee’s who have really worked hard through blood, sweat, and beers to give you entertainment of the highest quality. The great sound quality in this room is a great compliment to the skilled artists making this room, truly, a great experience! • Eligh:
. . . . . . • Analog Dive: . . • Creed Chameleon: . . . . • Anthm: . . . . • Satilite Rok: . . . . • Free Will: . . . . . • Crossfade Room» The Crossfade Room is an amazing combination of live painting, art showcase (paint, photography, structural etc.) beer pong, and more dope hip-hop performances and scratch DJ’s. With the amount of energy in this room, we are truly amazed that the roof has not yet literally blown off! After your game of FREE beer pong, viewing the breath-taking art, and checking out a great hip-hop performance, now is a fine time to swing by the merch table and pick up that CD from your favorite artist of the night! Don’t worry if you’re strapped for cash, we will not let you leave this event empty handed. Its more than likely that you can cop a mixtape, button, hat, and/or shirt for little to no cost. . • DJ Kemix: . . . . • Vic Buildsafire: . . . . • Besatree & Kserious: . . . . • Dye:
Free download of first album @
. . . . . • Bonnie Blue: . . . . . . . . . . • Dae Zen:
. . . . . . . . • Out on the Patio» In between sets, after you’ve grabbed a drink (one free before 9:30), The patio is a great place where you can take a moment to get some grindz, talk story (socialize), smoke, or just get a breath of fresh air. However, don’t underestimate the rage-ability of the patio! The party continues outside with two amazing DJ’s (DJ Bounce House, and Tony Swoops) to keep those dancin’ feet moving! It has become the commonplace for networking, freestyle battles, and breakdance circles at our past events, and we encourage you to take part in every bit of it. . . • dj Bounce House
. . . . • Tony Swoops: